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產品>International Critical Commentary Series: New Testament | ICC (33 vols.)

International Critical Commentary Series: New Testament | ICC (33 vols.)

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The International Critical Commentary, published by T&T Clark International, has long held a special place among works on the Bible. It brings together all the relevant aids to exegesis: linguistic and textual, archaeological, historical, literary, and theological, with a comprehensiveness and quality of scholarship unmatched by any other series. This large collection includes each New Testament commentary found in the International Critical Commentary series.

The ICC series has also been rather difficult to purchase in its entirety, due in part to the cost of the print volumes, numerous revisions of various volumes, and the fact that most retailers do not offer the entire set as one purchase. The Logos edition contains the most recent edition of each title and provides an easy way to own every volume of this often-cited commentary set.

  • Title: International Critical Commentary Series: New Testament
  • Publisher: T&T Clark
  • Volumes: 33
  • Resources: 43
  • Pages: 17,808
  • Resource ID: {B7B5862F-96D6-441C-80A5-3AF624190108}


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  1. Randy



    I'm tempted to get this, because they are often referenced by other good commentaries I use. Seeing the date a lot of these were written, however, gives me a bit of concern. Some of them were written a hundred years ago. For example, the book of Revelation wasn't really understood very well, till more recently. Also, which books are not covered by this series? Does anyone with experience have something to say about the set?